Friday, July 3, 2009

"They sending Viet-nam...Its this whole otha country"

If you don't know what that's from then you don't know me well enough... Just kidding. I am safely in Ho Chi Min, Vietnam. Yesterday was a travel day, so not very fun but we flew from Phuket to Bangkok and then Bangkok to Ho Chi Min. Both flights were only about an hour long but there was a lot of stuff to do like Visas and immigration. We were both glad we flew though because it would have been sooooooo much longer on a bus and so much more miserable. At least yesterday we got to spend a few hours in the Bangkok Airlines Lounge and take a nap and they fed us popcorn and Tang (which they think is orange juice).
Anywho... our Visa worked out and we made it to the My My Art House (our hostel) last night and we got some delicious noodles for dinner (mom and dad, you know that soup that you buy from Saigon and you put been sprouts and mint in it? yeah that but better) and they fed us free breakfast this morning of fresh French bread and omelet that smelled suspiciously of fish...
Happy Fourth!! Today we are going to the War remnants museum- we know it will not be a happy experience but we also know it's important to see. So as you all eat your BBQ chicken and hot dogs, and watch fireworks, Kristina and I will be in Ho Chi Min City, trying to gain a little more understanding of a war we know almost nothing about.


Connie de said...

Good to know. Tell Forrest hi for me.
We're (Dad and I and Cory and Steph) going to Ed Thomas'party tonight. Alison and Jesus are going to the Nichols.

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Well try and remember what you learn so you can come back and teach me. See if you find where they burried Bubba.