Saturday, February 23, 2008

6 things??

So I'm not really into the blog chains but my sister tagged me to blog about 6 things that people may not know about me.
6. I love shopping (not a surprise) but, I get freaked out when there are lots of people, like really freaked out. Maybe even anxiety-attack-level freaked out. Today while I was grocery shopping at Target, the Mormon Saturday night rush hit as I was around the cereal isle and I sorta started hyperventilating. That's usually my signal to stop comparing the dietary fiber of Special K and Total and get out of there. So that's it. I don't shop well in large crowds.
5. Two words: Grey's Anatomy
4. I hate brass buttons on mens sport coats. Why? Why do I hate them and why do they keep putting brass buttons on sport coats. Do not even get me started on elbow patches.
3. If I hadn't gone into Microbiology I would have gone into food science/nutrition or exercise science. I love the human body and taking care of it by eating good food and exercising and especially helping others to do the same.
2. Shoes. This is something I have always had such a hard time with and here's why: I don't like wearing anything but sandals. Duh.
1. I can't stand lumps in my smoothies. I don't stop blending until I smell the blender motor burning. That's how I know it's done.

1 comment:

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Its about time!!! Love it!!