Sunday, December 9, 2007

Yea Yea Yea!!

The snow can be fun!! I had no idea. I did something yesterday that I can now cross off my life-list.
-Make cute generic snowman with carrot nose and top hat. CHECK.
I found out that having the right equipment can make snow/cold enjoyable. Waterproof boots. Warm coat. gloves. Who knew. I guess it took a couple years for me to learn that, and a roommate from Denver with snow galoshes.
I feel like I haven't really expressed or exercised my writing creativity on this blog in a long time and I should but I don't really have the desire. School has sucked every last bit of creative thinking out of me because all I do is shove my brain full of very relevant information (HA!) and then spit it back out on paper. So this is all I have and for right now it's good enough.

1 comment:

Mrs. Schmalison said...

I love your blogs, keep it up