Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm home now.

Somehow it doesn't seem right. I always go through this period of "void" after finals where I know I should have feelings for something but I don't have them. There are so many feelings to have and I don't have any. This is the first phase. The next phase is the opposite where I have too many feelings for everyone and everything. I'm not looking forward to this phase because I usually end up crying and I hate crying. This time I have good reason for crying too. fAmiLY. They are the cause and reason for our greatest happiness and our greatest sorrows. WHY? Because we love them and when family hurts, we hurt. Someday I'll understand.


Mrs. Schmalison said...

Ok Ok I get it. You're a little over the top and thats a little unnecessary.

Sara said...

is this comment in relation my post or to my comment on your post? Because I think I have good reason to by over the top.