Friday, April 18, 2008

Who's in charge??

Ok, what is up?! I can't stand this any longer. I think the weather Gods are trying to make me crazy. This has been the longest coldest spring of my life. Usually we have a couple nice days in February and that helps us not slit our wrists and get through a couple more weeks of dreary gray cold skies. Not this year. It is April 18 and we still have not had any consistent nice weather!! What the... ugh. I have not been able to wear sandals more than 2 or 3 days this spring, which to me is the qualification of "nice weather." It's probably a good thing because warm weather makes it even harder for me to stay inside and study and I'm already struggling making myself do that. But here's the good news, I'm graduating!! hurray! Cap and gown and everything, don't worry, I'll blog all about it. Pomp and circumstance and everything. But that is beside the point. BAD WEATHER is the point and the point of my blog is that the forecast for the day after tomorrow is SNOW!!!!!!!! J.I.C you don't believe me, here you go:

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