Sunday, April 20, 2008


Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes you hear sad things and there is nothing you can do about it. Sometimes you hear things that shake you and your whole perception is rattled. What do you do? I don't know, I guess just keep breathing in and out. The world can seem ok sometimes too and the only thing that brings you down is the weatherman. Right now I would take another week of snow just for some good news.


Connie de said...

Good news-two more days and then you graduate!! (and see your fam) How's that. Love, mom

Sara said...

I guess this means ONE more day until you graduate.
Then is it costa rica? or southern utah? Either way it seems as though warm weather is in your future.

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Yeah!! We're coming!! That should be some dang good news and it isnt supposed to snow this week. Does that help??