Monday, January 14, 2008

Here I am

I am back. In Utah that is. Today was the first day of my second week of class but already it feels like I've been studying since September. I've decided that the hardest part is fighting against my own will to be a good student. I know what to do, I'm smart, I can get good grades, but do I want to actually do what is necessary to get them? Not usually, no. If I could just accept that my life IS school right now, it wouldn't be so hard. I keep trying to find ways to balance having fun and studying and the truth is, that isn't possible for me because when I have fun, I don't study. It is a mind-set I get into that I can't get out of. Once I start studying, I don't stop and once I start playing, I don't stop. It's a vicious cycle. Man, this is boring. Sorry. But it is my life. Last week I taped study notes to the wall of the bath tub and studied while I took a bubble bath. That's pretty creative, huh? I'll get more creative someday, I promise, as for now, these really cool pictures of my friend Curtis and I on some train tracks will have to do.


Mrs. Schmalison said...

Hey you already got two A's so I think your ok. You know that is pretty creative, I would think that a bath is time away from studying but hey you are better than me. By the way, John and Amberly think you and Cletus should get married.

Amberly said...

you and curtis SHOULD get married. that picture of you too is AWESOME. It could be your engagement picture that you put in the invitations. it has a pretty sunset.

Sara said...

yeah, yeah, yeah, I know everyone thinks we should get married, everyone except Curtis and I!! C'mon guys, just accept the fact that the fearsome foursome is over! It WAS awesome while it lasted, remember hide and seek at the Holiday Inn...

Sara said...

Hmmm. Think of the cool posts you could make if we're roommates in NY. You could be like, "Oh and on the way home from work the President of Iran was giving a speech and I stopped to listen. I had to laugh when he said there were no gays in Iran" (Just for example)
Or it could be like this "After work this week my roommate and I hopped on a plane to Britain. How could we not? Tickets were cheap and she has random connections throughout the UK."
Eh, eh?

Whittron said...

Hey cuz, cute yellow shoes.