Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm going to Tri

So this is a formal announcement for friends, family, and strangers. I am going to Tri. For those of you who don't habla athletic lingo, that means a triathlon. I know, I know, I am not a triathlete. I'm not even really an athlete at all. But the best way to become one is Just Do It. Right, Nike? Anyway, It's June 7th which is exactly 30 days or four weeks and 2 days away. My total amount of training will have been 5 weeks. I have been doing a lot of research and the shortest training programs are about 8-12 weeks long or in other words, I will not have adequately trained for this triathlon. Mother, I now this is scary but just know that as scared as you are for me, I am ten times more scared. But don't worry, I don't WANT to die so I that is my goal in this triathlon, DON'T DIE. I'm looking at it like this: This is my first triathlon, I have to start somewhere, I might as well start at the very bottom so that I will have a lot of room for improvement, right? It's only a sprint triathlon which is an 800 meter swim (about 32 lengths in a pool) a 12 mile bike, and a 5k run (about 3 miles). A sprint distance triathlon is a good race for fast people who like to go all out or for first timers like me who just want to finish. This race is doable and the worst thing that can happen is I get last place... I am a strong swimmer, a pretty strong cyclist, and a weak runner so I am hoping that my strengths will make up for my lack of running ability. I have always wanted to do a triathlon and this is a good opportunity because it's close to home, I'm not very busy, and some of my friends are also doing it so I will have some support (so there you go Mom, at least I won't be alone). Wish me luck!


Mrs. Schmalison said...

Holy Crap. Thats all I have to say. Oh, and we are doing the Strawberry festival in a week. So come home.

Tara said...

Yay! So exciting! I'm not going to do it...but you have my support and any help I can give you :) (Tara)

Sara said...

YES! Is it the Salem triathlon? You might be living my dream just now.

Connie de said...

Don't die...that's your goal...don't die... That is a great goal. I love it! I'm not worried at all. mom

NoNo said...

sara i'm so glad you're going to do it! that's awesome!