Sunday, October 28, 2007


Today was good. Today I heard good things, ate good food, spent time with good people and took a good nap. Yesterday was also good. I slept in. Worked on some homework, pampered myself, got out of Provo, Utah, ate good food, heard good and bad music, and danced. The day before yesterday also had good parts. I watched Fantasia 2000 at work (work=bad, Fantasia 2000=good) The day before that was also good, my good friend got into med school and I found out my dad had a stroke. (Med school=good, stroke=bad) My dad is ok and realized he needs to make good health a priority and that is good. What will tomorrow be like? Will I sit at a dinner table with my roommates as we try to sing different parts of "California dreamin"? No because that happened today. Will I sit in a car with a good friend and talk about how badly I want to get out of Utah but how afraid I am that I forgot how to socialize in a non BYU way? No that happened yesterday. Will I take a test on renal function, inborn errors of metabolism, or vitamins and minerals? No I did that Friday and I can forget about renal function until the final. Something else good will happen tomorrow though and maybe even something not good. but that is life.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Sometimes there are moments in life when you are able to see outside of your world. I have had a few of these opportunities recently. One was Friday night when one of my friends stopped by and we talked for while. This friend was someone who until that point had been a quirky, crazy-dancing, music -loving, all around nice guy. Then he started asking questions. Not "how's life" questions, but questions that I actually had to stop and think about. I usually have a hard time with those types of conversations because I have to shift from left-brain to right-brain thinking and at first I couldn't even follow his conversation. After a few thought provoking questions I was able to keep up and even contribute a little. He helped me to realize a few things: 1) people are people and not positions to be filled. 2) The only thing that matters in any loving relationship be it friends, family, etc. is that you both realize it is YOUR responsibility to make that relationship work. I used to think I could only get along with certain people but that idea is false. I can get along with anyone if I choose to, I may have to try harder with some people but isn't it worth it? I wish I could relate my experience with this friend better but that is one of the flaws of being mainly left-brained. I am able to recognize and appreciate creativity but I have a hard time creating and describing it. I am grateful to those who pull me from my limited dimensionality. That being said, another of these experiences was last week at a concert which for me is one of the best ways of stepping out of my perspective. If you have never experienced a good concert, one where when you look around you and everyone is feeling exactly the same pull that you are, I highly suggest you do so. It probably won't work with some concerts though, I think you can figure that out. It seems to work best when the motive behind the music is personal, artistic, and passionate. The concert I went to was Arcade Fire. I had always liked their music but it took a live concert to recognize the passion behind it. Children wake up, hold your mistake up- before they turn the summer into dust. If the children don't grow up, our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up. we're just a million little Gods causing rain storms, turning every good thing to rust. I guess we'll just have to adjust.