Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Man Strength.

Boys have tools. Just hanging out in their trucks. Lots of tools. Anything you would need to hang a cabinet or a hook rack or a curtain rod.

I like boys.


I discovered a few things last night:
-rain boots come in handy when you have plumbing issues.
-I need more than four towels
-a toilet will only overflow when you have to be up at 4am the next morning. Ha ha.
-I can still laugh when life literally spills toilet water all over my apartment.

Dinner with D

My good friend Derek came to Utah.
Utah showed Derek what a snow storm is.
Derek showed me how to eat a Chipotle burrito.
I showed Derek how to hit a pole with my car.
Derek and I discovered two people can eat a delicious meal from a tiny microwave cart.

Monday, January 10, 2011

so much.

Aggh! I'm going crazy with ideas to decorate my little apartment!!!

I love everything! How do you decide what you want to live with?

Look at this stuff!

Some of these ideas are blowing my mind. Look at the book shelves made out of books! Come on.

p.s. I LOVE LIVING BY MYSELF!!! Come visit me!